How do I get my baby to walk?

OK UNTIL Milestones in Minutes : Walking Course is complete (end of October).. let me share a few quick tips.

  1. DROP the containers. Let them explore their environment that you have created for them (a safe space obviously). Im talking- NO jumpers, No standers, Nothing that restricts their movement.

  2. Put your toys up HIGH.- NOT THE FLOOR. Im talking- put them on the couch, the chair, the ottoman. VISION** controls everything. Where baby looks/ where they want to be is where they will go. So if toys are on the floor, they’ll stay on the floor. If you move the toy UP, baby will go to stand UP.

  3. BAREFOOT. LET THEM BE BAREFOOT. This increases sensory input into their feet- lets them know they even have feet! And the toes help to grip the floor for balance and building stability. Try it on different surfaces so we change up that input and improve even more!

OK Very simple tips to try this week. My FAVORITE ACTIVITIES will be in the Milestones in minutes course, which is dropping at the end of the month. JOIN the email list below for exclusives, discounts, and the most up to date information.

Check out images of what I mean below. Enjoy & Drop a ♥️ if this was helpful in the comments below.

#1 Drop the container!

Ugh I found this picture. makes me want to gag. Just burn these. They take up so much space AND theyre bad for babies knees long term. (Early onset arthritis my friends)

2. Bringing that attention up.

Toys like this- like kitchens, toy taco trucks, etc.. bring baby up to play!

3. Barefoot

On different surfaces for a bonus! (Obviously stand next to your kiddo on the couch)


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