Pumping 101

So, you want to give breast milk to your baby but you also want some independence? Or you need to go back to work? Or maybe nursing is painful but you still want to give baby breastmilk. You do you girl, I’m here for it. Often I get asked, “Denise, which breast pump do I buy?” It is overwhelming how much is out here now for us. But it’s a good thing! So let me break it down for you.


Let’s talk about:

A. Types of pumps: Handheld(manual) vs automatic (wearable vs not wearable)

B. What you need to go along with your pump (bag, bags, adaptors, nipple cream)

C. Devising a pumping schedule

D. Tips for success

E. When your pump starts talking to you

F. Pump weaning/celebrating

G. How to approach work for pumping time


I always knew I wanted to try nursing. My SIL did it, and my in-laws were about it. So figured what the hell, ill give it a try. Its not like you can just decide one day- im going to nurse. Re-lactating is a thing but from what I understand is pretty hard to do. Was nursing hard in the beginning? YES. But we figured it out and I was exclusively nursing my first at home. But then I had to go back to work full time 4.5 months later.


I thought that I would just nurse Lily (my first) till I went back to work. But I had the blessing of having an amazing manager and amazing coworkers who supported me on my pumping journey. So I was able to pump/breastfeed till Lily was 7 months (that’s when I got the big You know what virus and my supply dried up because I was sick with 103 fever for 10 days).. I digress. I learned a lot about pumping during that time. Let me share it here:


A. Types of Pumps:

-First you have your handheld pump **haaka on amazon** This is the suction thing you put on the other breast when your child is nursing. You see, when you BF, the side not being serviced may leak. The haaka will collect that oz or so. DON’T LOSE YOUR HARD EARNED LIQUID GOLD. Put that haaka on and save that oz to put in food or mix with a bottle- whatever.

-Next you have your automatic, hospital grade pump. This is your spectra, medela, idk there are so many brands. Personally I used the Spectra S1 & S2. BUT I prefer the S1 since it has a rechargeable battery! **Spectra S1 on amazon**

- Yes I had 2 pumps. Someone gifted me one and the other I got from insurance. AND IT WAS GREAT. I brought one to work and had one at home. Get insurance to cover this pump.

-Lastly I’ll talk about the wearable pumps. First thing you gota know- they are not as strong as the automatic hospital grade pumps. Thus, it may take longer to pump all of the milk out with these. Also, I’ve found that you really have to stand with them to be successful, sitting doesn’t work (leakage)…. If you plan to wear these at work and you’re standing- this is no problem obviously, but I would pump in the car sometimes and I found it didn’t really work well. Which brand? I got the freemie… **Freemie on amazon**

 through insurance (2nd child win ;) and I liked it. My friend had the elvie.. **Elvie on amazon** and she said it worked fine.. Just be careful with wearable pumps. Some people I know got mastitis and used these. Not sure why but I’m thinking its because they are not super strong. But good to use in a pinch or when you’re trying to vacuum/chores/etc.

B. PUMPING BAG: Make sure you get yourself a nice pumping bag. Inside you’re going to have: your pump (fully charged), your pump charger, a plastic bag of clean parts (2 sets of parts), a plastic bag to put dirty parts in, breastmilk bags, a sharpie to write the date and number of oz in the BM bag, a cooler bag with a ice pack inside (or but instant cold packs for emergency), part cleaner wipes (handy in case of emergencies if you don’t have a sink). I’d also add hand sanitizer, breast pads to prevent leaks surfacing, and a water bottle. I made a list of everything here on amazon for reference.***MIMPTW Mom Recommendations on amazon***


C. Devising a schedule: Pump when your baby eats. That’s all. If you have your babe on a schedule (which I highly recommend you do if you’re working full time, then pump when baby eats). That way on the weekend, if you want to nurse baby instead of pump- you’re already on that schedule.


D. Tips for success:

1. Wash parts at work, so it’s less to do when you get home. You’re already working full time and doing 4000 other things. Use part cleaner wipes for emergencies or if you don’t have access to a sink when pumping.

2. Get adaptor parts so you can pump directly into a BM bag. It saves so much time and energy honestly. And sometimes you are trying to pour from the cup into the bag and you lose some milk, or god forbid a spill- not worth it. Just get the adaptor.**Adaptor on Amazon**

 If you have spectra and get lansinoh bags- you can pump directly into the bag from the spectra- look at this post to see what I mean****how to on youtube***.

3. Get yourself some nipple butter/cream whatever.**Nipple butter on amazon**

You’ll have to figure the best setting to use for yourself. The cream will help you if you ramp up that thing too much …

4. Pumping settings: I honestly never took the time to understand this deeply and I forgot. So look up your pumps settings, start low and increase as you can tolerate.

5. HYDRATE. HYDRATE HYDRATE. I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. You need water to create milk. Please drink.


E. Is your pump talking to you? Yes. It does. My pumping friends always used to say this too. When you pump for so many times a day, so many days, that 2 tone sound just stays with you, tells you stories. Just imagine its cheering you on. Like yes this is for my baby and I can do this. Look at pictures of your baby when pumping, write down what your baby is doing so you can reread one day. Or download catan and play that on your phone ;)


F. Weaning: Congradufreakinglations. YOU DID IT. Its time to decrease pumping for whatever reason. How I did it? Drop 1 daily pump each week... So instead of pumping/feeding 7 times a day, drop to 6. Do this for a week. The next week, drop to 5 pumps a day.. next week 4… Then have a pump burning party ;)


G. LET ME BE CLEAR. IN NYS IT IS A LAW THAT WOMEN MUST BE GIVEN TIME TO PUMP. THERE MUST BE A SPACE FOR THEM TO PUMP. THE SPACE MUST FIT CERTAIN CRITERIA. I am going to do a separate blog on this, but do not allow yourself to be bullied into stopping pumping by your employer. You may need to rearrange your schedule or wear a wearable pump. But not having the opportunity to provide for your child is simply unacceptable. Message me always if you are having this issue. I am very passionate on this topic and I will share soon how I persevered at my hospital and fought to get an efficient lactation space for the women who deserved one.


Comments? Questions? Im always available via email denise@milestonesinmotionptw.com


(All info in this post comes to you as a mom of 2, both who I nursed and pumped for. If you want more personal information/professional advice, please reach out to a lactation consultant. Insurance should pay for this too btw!)



Dr. Denise


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My First Blog Post: How I Got Here